A Computer vision Tomato Pest Assessment and Prediction tool – ICLR 2020
In this talk, researcher Denis Pastory Rubanga presents on a mini project that seeks to use Computer Vision to test and predict pest infestation in tomatoes.
According to Denis, the tomato pest, Tuta Absoluta has become an economic threat to tomato farmers across the globe, especially small scale farmers who depend on the crop for their livelihood.

His multidisciplinary team set to work on this project to create an early detection and quantification solution using Computer Vision.
WATCH THE PRESENTATION: A Computer vision Tomato Pest Assessment and Prediction tool by Denis Pastory Rubanga – Apr 26, 2020, ICLR 2020
You can also read about their project: A Computer Vision Tomato Pest Assessment and Prediction Tool
This talk was delivered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at the ICLR 2020 “AfricaNLP Workshop – Putting Africa on the NLP Map” via the AI4D Africa program with support from IDRC, Sida and Knowledge 4 All Foundation