Global Index on Responsible AI

South Africa

If the world is to harness the benefits of AI, it is imperative that appropriate responsible AI governance mechanisms are in place to shape AI development and use to support human rights, gender equality, and the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Despite recent advances in AI governance, the 2024 Global Index on Responsible AI (Global Index) revealed critical global gaps in readiness for responsible AI, particularly in areas such as human rights protections, inclusion, and equity. Through globally comparable data, the Global Index sought to inform governance discussions and encourage governments to strengthen their commitments and address these challenges effectively.

This project will support the 2nd edition of the Global Index to be launched in 2026. As a comprehensive, independent, and comparative benchmark of country commitments and ecosystems in over 140 countries first edition has quickly become an important tool and reference to shape responsible AI governance globally. The second edition will build on the momentum of the first edition by tracking these gaps over time, enhancing regional engagement to amplify marginalized voices, and providing actionable, evidence-based governance recommendations globally. Furthermore, the Global Index allows a pathway for civil society to influence the governance frameworks and policies shaping these technologies to ensure their alignment with ethical principles and societal well-being.

The project will be implemented by a a consortium of organizations including the Global Center of AI Governance (GCG) and the East-West Management Institute, Inc. (EWMI), and ten (10) regional research hubs.

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Project Website
Logo for Global Centre on AI Governance
Global Centre on AI Governance
Principal Investigator(s)
Rachel Adams