AI4D Lab at the University of Rwanda Transformative Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation Lab (TAIRI Lab)

AI Fundamentals

Rwanda recognises that technology such as Artificial Intelligence can effectively accelerate the realisation of its strategic plans to transition from an agrarian economy into a globally competitive, knowledge-based country. At the same time, it also acknowledges that there is a critical gap in relevant knowledge and skills needed to ensure AI is developed and used responsibly, and therefore a need to address gaps in AI research capacity, talent development, and application of locally relevant solutions to key challenges in in agriculture, health, and the environment.

The Transformative Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation Lab (TAIRI) Lab at the University of Rwanda aims to build the capacity of AI experts and practitioners to support the development and use of responsible AI solutions tailored to local needs, such as AI-powered healthcare tools, climate-resilient agricultural planning models, and air pollution forecasting systems. In addition, the Lab will facilitate joint research and knowledge transfer between disciplines in the university, with other labs in the AI4D network and beyond. It will develop and contribute to AI policy and practice to ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI in Rwanda, across public and private sectors and in similar regions. Ultimately it will also improve the understanding of responsible inclusive AI practices for multidisciplinary innovative development in Rwanda.

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University of Rwanda
Principal Investigator(s)
Prof. Damien Hanyurwimfura